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Eat Well Class at Chiropractic First

Woman at grocery storeChiropractic First’s Eat Well Class at the Clinic

Come along to find out how and why eating well is important to your overall health and wellbeing, and discover how nutrition plays a key role in your healing and the resolution of symptoms.

The Chiropractic First Eat Well Class focuses on the Innate Diet. The Innate Diet is simply making food and environmental choices that are congruent with nature. In other words, we need to feed our body substances from nature, substances that our cells recognise and know exactly how to utilise.

The Innate Diet is not a weight loss diet. It should be thought of as a lifestyle choice made for no reason other than optimum health. Of course, weight loss, lower cholesterol etc. would be a natural consequence of implementing the Innate Diet as a healthy eating regime for most people.

Our Eat Well Class will involve finding out about:

  • The physiological effects of the Western Diet with respect to insulin resistance, metabolic acidosis, omega fatty acids, sodium toxicity, potassium deficiency, probiotic deficiency and fibre deficiency.
  • The toxicity of processed foods, food additives and preservatives and chemical household products.
  • Identifying the innate genetic requirements in terms of sufficient nutrition. In short, you will learn about nutrition according to our innate genetic requirements for internal balance (homeostasis) and how you can apply this in your own daily life for improved wellness.

Our classes are held monthly. Please email or call our Hove clinic on 01273 324466 to book your place as spaces are limited.

Chiropractic First Eat Well Class | 01273 324466