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A clinical case to inspire patients with severe hip arthritis. Regular treatment prevented Robert needing a hip replacement


Testimonial from lead actor of the new tv series “Derek”

I developed an arthritic condition, predominantly in my left thigh, some twenty years ago as the result of a bad fall.

Orthodox treatment offered me no relief to the pain, so I tried acupuncture and osteopathy. The acupuncture relieved the pain considerably and osteopathy freed a trapped nerve in the sacrum, caused by a bad limp.

For many years following the treatment I was nearly free from discomfort, able to work and lead a normal life. Over the last year however, the pain retuned, plus a stiffness in the lumbar region of my back.

Some friends suggested that I tried chiropractic treatment and recommended that I contact Dr. Lewis Kingsnorth at Chiropractic First. I have had regular treatment from Dr. Lewis now for over four months and can sincerely report that my back is much more supple as a result, particularly in the lumbar and dorsal areas.

Therefore I would strongly recommend chiropractic treatment to anyone suffering from stiffness and discomfort. At Chiropractic First there is friendly, efficient and accommodation staff too!

Robert Vahey
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